Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Can Rap Be Christianized? Part 2

This is about a week late, but I wanted to point out that Dr. Murray followed up on his previous post about rap with a new one here.  In it, he makes some crucial clarifications to his previous comments.

Two essential points involve the interconnectedness of the medium and the message, as well as the dangers of assuming stepping-stone evangelism is the best approach.

First, the medium is closely connected to the message.  Murray explains:
Would President Obama go to peace talks with Iran's President wearing combat fatigues and carrying a machine gun? Would he deliver the State of the Union address in Bermuda shorts and a beach boy T-shirt? Would you evangelize in Alabama wearing a Ku Klux Klan outfit? The medium may not be THE message, but it's usually a large and inseparable part of it. 
Second, the stepping stone approach to evangelism has significant implications:
The stepping-stone argument is powerful. Our inner cities are certainly not going to be won by be-suited, white men swooping in for a few minutes a week with soup, sandwiches, and a sermon. But where do we draw the line with the stepping-stone? How do we reach Islamic suicide bombers? How do we reach strippers? How do we reach callous Wall Street traders? We all draw the line somewhere, but why? and where?

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